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Tutorial: Protecting Containerized Assets with OSC on Kubernetes

Given an existing Kubernetes compatible environment and a deployed instance of OSC, this tutorial provides the necessary steps for setting up OSC to protect a single workload instance in Kubernetes.

These steps include:

  • Deployment of a security appliance instance.
  • Definition of the workload under protection.
  • Redirection of the traffic to be protected through the security appliance.

Setup Requirements

Virtualization Environment

In Kubernetes, create two pods:

  1. The attacker pod:
    This pod will have the container from which we will ping the victim pod. Create the pod configuration file:
$ cat >~/attacker-busybox.yaml <<EOL
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: attacker-busybox
  namespace: default
  - image: busybox
      - sleep
      - "3600"
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    name: attacker-busybox
  restartPolicy: Always

Create the pod:

$ kubectl create -f ~/attacker-busybox.yaml
  1. The protected pod:
    The protected pod that will be pinged by the attacker.

Note: Observe it has a label (env: production) which will be used later for creating a security group member in OSC.

Create the pod configuration file:

$ cat >~/victim-busybox.yaml <<EOL
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: victim-busybox
  namespace: default
    env: production
  - image: busybox
      - sleep
      - "3600"
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    name: victim-busybox
  restartPolicy: Always

Create the pod:

$ kubectl create -f ~/victim-busybox.yaml

Security Appliance and Manager

There are two options for obtaining a security appliance image and its corresponding manager plugin. The first option is to use an appliance container image and manager plugin provided by a security manager vendor compatible with OSC. The second option is to manually create them.

For this tutorial, it is assumed that the appliance image and security plugin will be manually created:

SDN Controller

OSC requires two components to implement traffic redirection and SDN notifications through an SDN controller, an SDN component and an SDN controller plugin. You may acquire these from an OSC compatible vendor or you can manually create them.

For this tutorial, it is assumed that the SDN component and SDN controller plugin will be manually created:

Note: This plugin is configured to NOT support port grouping. In order for it to work with this tutorial it must be configured with SUPPORT_PORT_GROUP as true and recompiled. Optionally you can also use the SDN Nuage Plugin if you have a Kubernetes environment configured with Nuage SDN controller.

Set up OSC to Protect a Workload

1. Upload Plugin

Within OSC, navigate to Manage > Plugins using the left-hand menu.


Upload Plugins
Upload SDN Controller and Manager Plugins

2. Define Virtualization Connector

Using the OSC api-doc https://OSC_IP:8090/api-doc -> Operations for Virtualization Connectors:

  • POST /api/server/v1/virtualizationConnectors with json payload:
  "name": "k8s-vc",
  "type": "KUBERNETES",
  "controllerIP": "string",  # IP Address of the SDN controller. Not needed if using the NSC SDN Plugin.
  "controllerUser": "string", # User name of the SDN controller. Not needed if using the NSC SDN Plugin.
  "controllerPassword": "string", # Password of the user of the SDN controller. Not needed if using the NSC SDN Plugin.
  "providerIP": "string", # IP Address for the kube API service.
  "providerUser": "string", # User name for accessing the kube API service.
  "providerPassword": "string", # Password for the user name accessing the kube API service.
  "softwareVersion": "v1.7",
  "controllerType": "NSC" # Or 'Nuage' if using Nuage SDN

You should get a response body containing an ID, similar to this "id":VIRTUALIZATION_CONNECTOR_ID, copy this identifier to be used on a later steps.

3. Define Manager Connector

Using the left-hand menu, navigate to Setup > Manager Connectors, and then select Add.

  • Enter a name.
  • For the type, select ISM as described by the SAMPLE APPLIANCE IMAGE and the SAMPLE MANAGER PLUGIN.
  • Enter the IP address, and then the credentials of abc / 123.

    Note: When using a real security manager, use the real IP address and credentials.

Add Manager Connector
Add Manager Connector

After adding the manager connector, ensure the Last Job Status is PASSED and that policies defined in the security manager are populated under Polices on the bottom-half of the page.

4. Define Service Function

4.1. Create the Appliance Model

Using the OSC api-doc https://OSC_IP:8090/api-doc -> Operations for Security Functions Catalog:

  • POST /api/server/v1/catalog with json payload:
"managerType": "ISM"

You should get a response body containing an ID, similar to this "id":APPLIANCE_MODEL_ID, copy this identifier to be used on later steps.

4.2. Create the Appliance Version

Using the OSC api-doc https://OSC_IP:8090/api-doc -> Operations for Security Functions Catalog:

  • POST /api/server/v1/catalog/{applianceId}/versions with json payload:
    applianceId: APPLIANCE_MODEL_ID
"parentId":"APPLIANCE_MODEL_ID", # Obtained from the previous step.

Note: The imageUrl: corfr/tcpdump is the name of the Docker image OSC will deploy to represent a dummy container VNF. This image will be pulled from the public Docker registry when Kubernetes creates the pod(s) for the deployment.

You should get a response body containing an ID, similar to this "id":APPLIANCE_SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID, copy this identifier to be used on later steps.

5. Define Distributed Appliance

5.1. Create the Distributed Appliance

Using the left-hand menu, navigate to Setup > Distributed Appliance. Under Distributed Appliances, select Add.

  • Enter a name.
  • Choose the previously created manager connector for the manager connector.
  • Choose the appliance model that was previously imported into the security function catalog.
  • Select the Enabled box.

After creating the distributed appliance, ensure that the Last Job Status is PASSED.

5.2. Retrieve the Virtual System ID

The creation of the distributed appliance will also generate a virtual system. In order to perform later you will the virtual system ID. To retrieve that perform the following steps:

Using the OSC api-doc https://OSC_IP:8090/api-doc -> Operations for Distributed Appliances:

  • GET /api/server/v1/distributedAppliances

You should get a response body containing the ID of the virtual system, similar to this "virtualSystem": [ { "id":VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_ID ... } ], copy this identifier to be used on later steps.

6. Define Deployment Specification

6.1. Register the Deployment Pod Port

Because we are using the NSC SDN Controller stub plugin we must register the port element for the deployed VNF pod. This can be done using the test API:

  • POST with json payload:
"macAddresses":  ["00:00:00:00:00:01"],
"portIPs": [""]

Note: This step is not needed if you are using a real SDN controller plugin (as opposed to a stub) like the OSC Nuage plugin. The SDN controller should already have and be able to provide the pod port to OSC after a pod is created on Kubernetes.

6.2 Create the Deployment Specification

Using the OSC api-doc https://OSC_IP:8090/api-doc -> Operations for Virtual Systems:

  • POST /api/server/v1/virtualSystems/{vsId}/deploymentSpecs with json payload:
 "name": "testds", 
 "namespace": "default", 
 "count": 1

On the OSC UI you should see a deployment spec testds with the Last job Status PASSED.
If the job failed perform the following steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Ensure that you are able to create pods on the Kubernetes cluster using the image corfr/tcpdump.
  2. Ensure that OSC can communicate with the Kubernetes API server through the proxy.

7. Define Security Group

7.1. Register the Protected Pod Port

Because we are using the NSC SDN Controller stub plugin we must register the port element for the protected pod. This can be done using the test API:

  • POST with json payload:
"macAddresses":  ["00:00:00:00:00:02"],
"portIPs": [""]

Note: This step is not needed if you are using a real SDN controller plugin (as opposed to a stub) like the OSC Nuage plugin. The SDN controller should already have and be able to provide the pod port to OSC after a pod is created on Kubernetes.

7.2. Create the Security Group

Using the OSC api-doc https://OSC_IP:8090/api-doc -> Operations for Virtualization Connectors:

  • POST /api/server/v1/virtualizationConnectors/{vcId}/securityGroups with json payload:
"name": "testSG"

You should get a response body containing the ID of the create security group, similar to "id": SECURITY_GROUP_ID, copy this identifier to be used on later steps.

7.3. Add a Label Member

Using the OSC api-doc https://OSC_IP:8090/api-doc -> Operations for Virtualization Connectors:

  • PUT /api/server/v1/virtualizationConnectors/{vcId}/securityGroups/{sgId}/members with json payload:
	"parentId": "VIRTUALIZATION_CONNECTOR_ID",  # Obtained from the Virtualization Connector creation.
	"id": "SECURITY_GROUP_ID", # Obtained from the previous step.
	"members": [
		"name": "env-production",
		"type": "LABEL",
		"label": "env=production"

Note: Observe the label provided above env=production is the same label in the protected pod (victim-busybox) created previously.

On the OSC UI you should see the Last Job Status of the created security group is PASSED. When clicking on Membership you should see one member in the security group with the IP address

8. Bind Security Group

Using the OSC api-doc https://OSC_IP:8090/api-doc -> Operations for Virtualization Connectors:

  • PUT /api/server/v1/virtualizationConnectors/{vcId}/securityGroups/{sgId}/bindings with json payload:
	    "virtualSystemId": "VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_ID", # Obtained from the creation of the distributed appliance.
	    "name": "sgbind",
	    "policyIds": [
	      "POLICY_ID" # Retrieved from GET /api/server/v1/virtualSystems/{vsId}/policies
	    "order": 0,
	    "markedForDeletion": false,
	    "binded": true

After binding, ensure that the Last Job Status is PASSED.

Validate the Setup

VNF Deployment

After setting up OSC and deploying a Distributed Appliance Instance through the creation of a Deployment Spec, verify the Distributed Appliance Instance was deployed on Kubernetes:

$  kubectl get deployments
testds-XX   1         1         1            1           3h

There should be one deployment prefixed with the name of the deployment spec created on OSC.

You can also see the corresponding pod:

$ kubectl get pods | grep testds
testds-XX-XXXXXXXXX   1/1       Running


Current Limitations

The orchestration and application of containerized security functions provided by OSC in Kubernetes is currently alpha. Below are some the limitations:

  • UI support: The following operations supported by OSC for Kubernetes are not exposed in the UI, being available in the API only: creating/updating virtualization connectors, security groups and deployment specs; importing appliance model and sofware version; binding a security group to a security policy.

  • Automatic synchronization with the virtualization environment: OSC has the capability of automatically identifying changes in the virtualization environment and reacting to them accordingly. Common examples of these are any changes on the deployed VNF instances or new workloads coming up that should be protected. For Kubernetes this fully automated synchronization is not yet implemented. Changes are only detected by OSC when the user manually resyncs the deployment spec or security group using the OSC UI or corresponding APIs.

Network Redirection

When using a real SDN controller plugin, like Nuage, you should be able to validate the traffic redirection when a policy is bound to a security group. For that you can perform the following steps on your Kubernetes cluster:

  1. SSH to the node hosting attacker-busybox pod. To know which Kubernetes node is hosting the pod you can run:
$ kubectl describe pods attacker-busybox | grep Node
Node:           minion01
  1. SSH to the node hosting the security VNF pod. To know which Kubernetes node is hosting the security VNF pod you can run:
$ kubectl describe pods testds-XX-XXXXXXXXX  | grep Node  # Replace with the real pod name
Node:           minion01
  1. From the SSH session for the attacker-busybox identify the container ID (ATTACKER_CONTAINER_ID) and IP address (ATTACKER_IP_ADD) of the attacker-busybox:
$ docker ps | grep k8s_attacker-busybox
$ docker exec ATTACKER_CONTAINER_ID ip add
  1. From the SSH session for the attacker-busybox ping the protected pod (victim-busybox) from within the attacker container:
$ docker exec ATTACKER_CONTAINER_ID ping PROTECTED_POD_IP # You can get the PROTECTED_POD_IP from the OSC UI by looking at the members (Membership) of the created security group.

If the security group is bound the ping operation should not reach the target.

  1. From the SSH session for the security VNF pod identify the ID (VNF_CONTAINER_ID) of the VNF container:
$ docker ps | grep k8s_testds
  1. From the SSH session for the security VNF pod inspect the traffic from within the VNF container:
$ docker exec VNF_CONTAINER_ID tcpdump -i eth0 | grep ATTACKER_IP_ADD

If the security group is bound the tcpdump command should show flowing traffic.