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Troubleshooting OSC Web Access

This procedure troubleshoots issues when the OSC web application is not accessible using a browser. Issues with accessing the OSC web application might be due to different reasons. Follow the steps below to debug:

  1. Ping OSC IP Address:

    $ ping OSC_IP ADDDRESS 
  2. If pinging OSC succeeds:

    • Access the OSC CLI through an SSH client.

    • Check the server status by using the command server status.

    • If the returned status is Open Security Controller Server is running, OSC should be accessible through its URL.
      If you are still unable to access the OSC web application, there may be an environment problem on your client (e.g.: firewall configuration, browser settings, etc).

    • If the returned status is Open Security Controller Server is not running, start the server using the command server start.

  3. If pinging OSC fails: