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Requirements for Using OSC

The success of OSC relies on communication to and from other services including an SDN controller, a virtualization provider such as OpenStack, and a security manager.

To use OSC, the following requirements must be met:

SDN Controller

To implement traffic redirection and SDN notifications, OSC requires two components which can be obtained from an OSC compatible SDN controller vendor:

  • an SDN controller component installed in the virtualized environment.
  • an SDN controller plugin to be installed in OSC.

Security Manager

To enforce policies by applying security functions in a virtualized environment, OSC requires these components obtained from an OSC compatible security manager vendor such as a:

  • security manager instance with a reachable IP address.
  • security appliance image to be uploaded in OSC.
  • security manager plugin to be installed in OSC.


A compatible virtualization provider is needed to protect virtual assets. The requirements for using OpenStack are as follows:

  • OpenStack Mitaka composed of controller, compute, and network nodes.
  • OpenStack services such as Keystone, Nova, Neutron, and Glance must be reachable by OSC.
  • The following minimum network topology:
    • One Management Network primarily for communication between the security manager and the distributed appliance instance deployed by OSC.

      Note: If the security manager is externally hosted, both a router and an External Network are needed for the security manager to communicate to the distributed appliance instance. The network should be configured as shared and external.

    • One Inspection Network for which redirected traffic will be intercepted.

  • Both a tenant and domain (region).
  • Installed and configured SDN controller.


OSC is also capabale of protecting containerized workloads orchestrated by Kubernetes. The requirements for using Kubernetes are as follows:

  • Kubernetes 1.7
  • Proxy to Kubernetes API server on port 8080:
$ kubectl proxy --port=8080 --address= --accept-hosts '.*' &

OSC Virtual Appliance

To install and access the OSC virtual appliance, the following requirements must be met:

  • Corresponding firewalls are configured to allow HTTPS over ports 443 and 8090.
  • The web application communicates over port 443.
  • OSC communicates with other servers over port 8090.
  • Recommended browsers to access the OSC web application:
    • Internet Explorer version 11 or newer.
    • Google Chrome version 39 or newer.
    • Mozilla Firefox version 33 or newer.
    • Safari 8.0 or newer.
  • Accessibility to the OSC installation file (.ovf).
  • An available IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server for the OSC virtual appliance.
  • When the OSC virtual appliance is configured with IP settings, it should be reachable from the client machine.